Pou Kapua Creations are a very dynamic, vibrant, highly-skilled, and experienced team.
Our values of aroha, kotahitanga, and manaakitanga ensure that we work together with kindness and compassion, as we co-create amazing cultural treasures!
Manuka Henare, Rachel Wolfgramm, Greg Cajete, Tania Wolfgramm, and Wikuki Kingi at Pou Kapua
Our team includes
Wikuki Kingi, QSM, Tohunga Toi Ake, Executive Trustee, Creative Director, Cultural Symbologist, Native Scientist / Technologies, Design / Create / Carve Cultural Treasures in Multiple Media
Tania Haerekitera Wolfgramm, Development Strategist, Executive Trustee, R & D, Cultural Psychologist, Evaluation Specialist, Founder HAKAMANA Systems - see https://hakamana.com/
Dr Rachel Maunganui Wolfgramm, Associate Dean Maori & Pacific University of Auckland School of Business, Organisations / International Business / Sustainability Specialist
Korotangi Kapa-Kingi, Master Carver / Sculptor, Carving and Arts Lecturer, Tikanga, Te Reo, Matauranga Maori Kaiako
Takirimaiteata and Ratauhinga Turner, Kaumatua, Tikanga and Te Reo Specialists
Darcy Wolfgramm-Russell, Rangatahi, Kainga Toi, Administration, Web Design, Social Media, Youth Culture & Wellbeing
Isaac Rolfe, Director, RIVER / IDesign Media, Information Technology, Computer & Data Science, Platform Design & Development, Branding, Design - see https://weareriver.nz/
Vincent Wolfgramm-Russell, Rangatahi, Mathematician, Algorithmist, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Game Design & Development
Te Ranga Carving Academy
Te Ranga Carving Academy, led by Tohunga Te Uranga o Te Ra Kingi along with Puroku Fraser Tawhai and Lee Martell were vital to the creation and conservation of Pou Kapua. Master Carvers, Team Carvers and Kainga Toi including Tommy Rawiri, Kingi Tawhiao, Rei Mihaere, Warren McGrath, Ara, Pere, Shane, Te Reinga Kingi, Te Rangi Martell, Mitchell Martell, Ripeka Mihaere, Lara Ruakere, Lee Ruakere, Roimata Kingi, Nicola Te Kiri, Hoturoa Kahn Kingi, Karlene Te Aniwa Kingi, Raymond Rogers, Rihara Martell and many more talented carvers, artists, and their whanau have continued to support this kaupapa.
Te Ranga Carving Academy | Pou Kapua Creations Team creating Pou Kapua at AUT North Shore Campus, 2002
And many more whanau and colleagues from across Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific, the Americas, and throughout the world, including the Native Science Academy, the Cultural Conservancy, and TE HA Alliance have supported and worked with us on many amazing projects.
Indigenous Master Sculptors / Carvers / Artists who worked with us on the creation of Pou Kapua included Tomas Tuki Tepano and Luis Chavez Hey (Rapa Nui), Kawika Eskaran (Hawaii), Anthony Dieter (Cree), Frank Wolfhead (Tlingit), Sydney Wilson and Tim Ives (Aboriginal). This photo was taken at the Puawaitanga (Revealing Ceremony) of Pou Kapua in 2005.
Yes, we are indeed and extended and exceptional Global Kainga!
We honour many of our Elders, Tohunga, Knowledge Holders who have supported us for many decades and who have now passed on ...
Te Uranga o Te Ra Kingi, Tohunga / Traditional Knowledge Holder
Kirikowhai Evelyn Kingi, Waikato Tainui / Traditional Knowledge Holder
Puroku Fraser Tawhai, Tohunga / Traditional Knowledge Holder
Inia Te Wiata, Tohunga Whakairo / Cultural Advisor, Design Executive
David Tapueluelu Wolfgramm, Vava'u Tonga / Traditional Knowledge Holder
Lee Martell, Traditional Knowledge Holder / Operations Expert
Manuka Henare, Scholar, Professor Maori Business & Economy of Mana
Inia Te Wiata - Wikuki’s Grandfather, Inia was an amazing opera singer and Tohunga Whakairo. He carved the Pou Ihi that stands at New Zealand House, London.
Te Uranga o Te Ra Kingi, Tohunga Whakairo, working on Pou Kapua in the workshop space donated by Telstra Clear, Penrose
Te Uranga o Te Ra and Kirikowhai Evelyn Kingi having fun with their mokopuna - at Pou Kapua, Manukau, 2005
Partners, Clients and Associates
Genuine partnerships that are authentic, collaborative, and durable are important to Pou Kapua Creations. We believe that it is important to treat everyone with honour, respect and dignity. We acknowledge that every person, whanau, hapu, iwi, community, and country, has unique strengths and vulnerabilities, and we aim to be responsive to your needs. And we endeavour to be inclusive and transparent in all that we do.