Carving team with one of three ancient kauri on Tarakeiha, Mitimiti who later became Pou Kapua

Maori Queen Te Ata i Rangi Kaahu, Whatumoana, and Sir Barry Curtis at the Puawaitanga of Pou Kapua, 2005

Cree carver Anthony Dieter from Saskatchewan carves a Cree Chief on the base of Pou Kapua

Aborigianal carver Syd Wilson from Mornington Island carves and paints crocodile on Pou Kapua

Aliyah restoring the Dreamtime carvings, created by Aboriginal artists Syd and Tim

Aboriginal carvings, kangaroo, turtle, dugong, and crocodile

Tlingit carver Frank Wolfhead in traditional clothing talks at the Puawaitanga of Pou Kapua in 2005

Tania and Wikuki at Pou Kapua when scaffold is being installed in 2005

Anthony Dieter (Cree Carver) and Frank Wolfhead (Tlingit Carver)

Kupe being prepared for repainting

Detail of Kupe’s waewae standing on one of the taniwha he travelled with - undergoing restoration

Detail of Kupe during restoration

Nga Tohunga Vern Rosieur, Kawika Eskaran, and Wikuki Kingi working together on Kupe’s restoration

Rapa Nui Moai Anakena, created by Master Sculptor Luis Chavez Hey

Rapa Nui Moai Hoahakananaia, created by Master Sculptor Tomas Tuki Tepano

Some of the representations of the mauri of maunga on Papatuanuku

Papatuanuku (Earth Mother) with her beautiful moko carved by Te Uranga o Te Ra, painted by Reirei Kingi

Ranginui (Sky Father) with amazing moko, carved by Wikuki Kingi, and painted by Te Rangi Martell

Kauri from Mitimiti arrives at Kirikiriroa Marae

Wikuki, Tania, Tomas, Luis, and Kavika have delicious seafood dinner at Cam's restaurant

Te Ranga and Pou Kapua whanau having a dinner break during the restoration project

Tawhiri and Manuhiri Rosieur working at the top of Pou Kapua

Darcy working on the Kanak figure on the base

Vinnie stands by Tawhirimatea (Guardian of the Winds)

Carved Pou depicting taniwha and ocean designs

Taniwha meets the dragon carving for Hyatt Hotel

Amazing multi-wood taurus created for Foundation North

Wikuki with bronze wahaika

Tania at the top of the boom lift - no fear!

Tlingit carvings including stingray painted with kowhaiwhai patterns

Pou Kapua restoration included both Moai whose pukao were painted red to indicate their chiefly status

TE HA Alliance including Melissa, Marsha, Tania, May-Britt, and Pearl at NAISA 2019

Moko mask of the first Maori King Potatau created in steel with his korowai carved in Oamaru stone

Korowai of Maori King Potatau carved in Oamaru stone - the Moko Mask stands in Ngaruawahia

Aboriginal carver and artist Sydney Wilson from Mornington Island creates Dreamtime Serpent

Hawaiian carver Kawika Eskaran brings a rock of special significance

Manuhiri carvers, Tomas, Luis, Kawika, Anthony, Frank, Syd and Tim at the Puawaitanga of Pou Kapua 2005

Korotangi working on restoration of Tangaroa

Vinnie at the top level with Kupe and Makemake

Manuka Henare, Rachel Wolfgramm, Greg Cajete, Tania and Wikuki at Pou Kapua

Wikuki sharing some stories of the carvings of Te Puea Marae with Darcy and Sasha
Pou Kapua and Te Ranga Whanau have a lunch break during Pou Kapua restoration 2020

Working on restoration of two toroa (albatross)

Carving of Tane being restored and repainted

Carving of Haumiatiketike being repainted

Tania and Wikuki on Waiheke Island

Melissa Nelson from The Cultural Conservancy with Tania and Tokotoko at IDEX Workshop 2016

Melissa Nelson, Rose von Thater-Imai, Tania, Wikuki, with Tonu Eagleton’s Whale Pole in San Francisco

Rapa Nui Master Sculptor Luis Chavez hey working on the pukao of Moai Anakena

Installation of the scaffolding for the restoration

Working on installation of Pou Kapua 2005

Wikuki, Rapa Nui Master Sculptor Luis Chavez Hey with Tania with Moai Hoahakananaia

Rapa Nui Master Sculptor Tomas Tuki Tepano working on Moai Hoahakananaia

Tania, Luis, Rangi, Rachel and Tomas having a rest by Hoahakananaia

Looking up at Pou Kapua from the base

Karlene Te Aniwa with Dad Wikuki
Hawaiian Master Carver and waka builder Kawika Eskaran returns to work on the restoration of Kupe
Tawhiri helping out with restoration of Kupe, at the top of the scaffold

Amazing photo of Kupe with hoe held by Hawaiian Master Carver and waka builder Kawika Eskaran

Vern from Whaotapu (Sacred Chisels) recarving some of the water-damaged areas

Pou Kapua - photo taken just before restoration began

Pou Kapua from the back - prior to restoration

Wikuki at the top of Pou Kapua, setting a large amethyst into the tip of the tauihu

Tim Ives, Frank Wolfhead, Kawika Eskaran, and Syd Wilson chilling at Pou Kapua

Tawhiri and Wheru Rosieur at paddle carving workshop, Henderson

Carving workshop in Henderson (sharing with Whaotapu - Sacred Chisels)

Shane working on top tauhi, carved from totara gifted by Tuwharetoa
Vaka Moana arrive in Honiara, Solomon Islands for the Festival of Pacific Arts, 2012

Wikuki Kingi stands before a photo of his fathere Uranga o Te Ra, Captain of Rangatahi Waka, with whanau and Ngati Haua crew