Our Vision
Our vision is to revitalise our waters and lands; restoring their mauri and beauty; creating wonderful taonga, treasures, as a gift for our tupuna, whanau, and mokopuna yet to come …
“Our Mother and Father
Papatuanuku and Ranginui
Our Touchstones of Belonging
You are our Healers, Our Teachers, Our Guides
And we are your Guardians, Your Sentries, Your Friends
Together we are Kaitiaki
Our Mauri binds us Together… Forever.”
Kirikowhai Group, Our Promise
Kotahitanga: Working together in harmony;
Manaakitanga: Actively supporting our communities;
Kaitiakitanga: Guardianship and Preservation
Cultural Intelligence, Tikanga, Creating Amazing Artworks, GIS Mapping and Geospatial Analysis, Rural Development & Site Protection, Fencing, Garden Design, Planting, Innovative Technology; VR & AR XPs, Environmental Science, Construction & Maintenance, Ethnobotanical Research
We are a team of passionate Maori Kiwis who come from all walks of life and share a common goal to restore and rejuvenate our land and waters. We have joined together for our love of our beautiful country Aotearoa.
Led by Tohunga Toi Ake Wikuki Kingi and Systems Sculptor Tania Wolfgramm, Kirikowhai Group combines hundreds of years of experience and skills and includes Kaumatua, Tohunga, Traditional Knowledge Holders, Creative Specialists and Artists; Experts in Planting and Ethnobotany; Rural Development, Construction, and Fencing; Mapping and Technology; Environmental Science, Research, and Evaluation; Project Design and Management; and an exciting group of Kainga Toi and Rangatahi who bring 21C skills and lots of positive energy to our work!
As a uniquely talented, diverse and robust team we work on all aspects of cultural development. From the design and creation of the Taonga Toi by our Master Carver Wikuki Kingi, all the way through to our digital design team RIVER who create virtual tours of our projects.
We have team members who specialise in our ancient arts, culture and language. These elders guide us through the knowledge and storytelling of our land and waters, allowing our younger generations to translate this into the modern world around us.
We design and create amazing artworks embody the stories of waters, lands, and long forgotten histories. They bring pride and joy to whanau and communities, nurture a strong sense of belonging while bringing great enjoyment!
Our landscaping team have a deep spiritual connection to the land, seeing the planting as not only foliage, but the life source of complex and multiple ecosystems, all relying on each other. They have shared inter-generational knowledge pool of native New Zealand plants and landscaping.
The rural property development and fencing team share the understanding of the contours of our lands, always working with the flow of land and appreciating its heritage.
We have experts in GIS mapping, data analysis and management, and drone photography who will work with our technology team to bring these stories into virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
All of our teams strive to bring our ancient history to the ever advancing digital world we live in today.
The planting team have worked on projects across New Zealand specializing in natives plants. Te Mara Reo has dozens of trees and plants whose whakapapa (genealogy) traces back across the vast Pacific over thousands of years – and whose names bear an amazing heritage and legacy
Beautiful native gardens - Lands are nourished - Plant life is nurtured - A place for whanau and friends to enjoy - Protection of taonga and puna (springs) - Improved environmental outcomes
Photo by Rowan Simpson on Unsplash
Our world class fencing team have worked on projects across Australasia, honoring the land beneath them.
Fencing design, and installation; construction of fencing from various materials including wood and steel; post and rail; security; electrical
Fence maintenance and restoration - Gate design and installations - Property entrances (e.g. front, back) - Retaining walls design and building